I’m US citizens and I got my approval letter for Vietnam visa on arrival which stated I am permitted enter and stay in Vietnam from June 10 until July 10. However, I applied for the visa several months ago and I didn’t realize that my Vietnam visa would be only good for those dates, and my plans changed. I entered Vietnam on June 1, and noticed the dates on my visa for Vietnam. I’d like to stay in Vietnam for 16 days, I will leave Vietnam on July 17. My ticket was booked already.

Is there a way I can get the dates changed on my visa, without having to pay for a new one?

Thanks a lot, Daniel.

Dear Daniel,

Please be informed that there is no way to change your Vietnam visa dates once it is issued.

In this way, you may have two options:

  • Change your tickets and leave Vietnam on July 10; or
  • Extend your Vietnam visa while you are in Vietnam.

In case the latter is selected, you need to extend your Vietnam visa before its expiry date. It means that you should contact a travel agent providing Vietnam visa extension service as soon as possible. Feel free to contact Vietnam-visa.com at Support@Vietnam-visa.com or +84.946.583.583 to get supported. You can see the process of Vietnam visa extension provided by Vietnam-visa.com for details.

DON’T OVERSTAY YOUR VIETNAM VISA as it may have several consequences on processing your further Vietnam visa application by the Vietnam authority in addition to a great amount of penalty for your visa overstaying.

Hopefully this answer is clear to you.

Should you need any further information, please feel free to let us know.

Kind regards,
